When is it okay to use a harness on your dog?

Posted on October 12, 2017 at 3:18 pm

If you have a dog that is strong and difficult to handle on a simple leash, you may want to consider trying a harness instead.

A harness will not only benefit your dog but it will help you too. When a string dog pulls too much on a simple leash that attaches to their neck collar can cause unnecessary strain on their neck, and can be hard for you to hold and handle.

A good harness should fit comfortably around your dog, fitting around and under each front leg, and around their abdomen. Using a harness provides you with more control and provides more comfort to your excited pooch when out for their daily walks.

You can get advice on the right harness for your dog by heading to your dog’s vets or at your local pet store where you can try them on you dog and see what works best for them.

Posted in Dogs, Pet Advice