Vegan dog food
Posted on October 26, 2016 at 12:08 pm
If you’re not a vegan or a vegetarian then you probably didn’t know that there are many vegetarian and vegan dog food products available on the market. This seems a little odd though doesn’t it, after all, dogs are carnivorous so they’re not made to live on a vegan diet. So why would a vegan prevent their dog from getting the nutrients they need and deserve? Well it’s because the methods used to get this meat can be inhumane and cruel, and if there’s no way of being 100% sure no animals have been inhumanely killed in the production of the dog food, then perhaps it’s only right they look at vegan alternatives. That said, the one thing worth going back to is that dogs are carnivores and they really aren’t built for a vegetarian diet, so there may come a time when a vegan needs to compromise and give their dog meat, even if they’re not sure exactly where it comes from and whether any animals were slaughtered in the making.
Posted in Pet Advice