Microchips To Become a Legal Requirement in the UK

Posted on October 13, 2015 at 4:52 pm

While installing a microchip identifier has been a widely advised course of action for dog owners, it is only relatively recently that news has come out that it is to become mandatory.

By the 6th of April, all dogs are expected to be microchipped with their identification. The only exception is for dogs under 8 weeks old, but after they’ve reached that age, they will need to have a microchip installed immediately.

Action will be taken if your pet is found to be without a microchip after the 6th of April 2016. This is in the form of a letter of notification, which gives you 21 days to fit your dog with a chip, and if you’ve still not done that afterwards you’re risking a £500 fine.

Posted in Pet Advice