Dogs need to work hard for their treats

Posted on November 12, 2016 at 7:00 am

No matter what bread, from Pug to German Shepard, dogs need to have adequate exercise to have treats.

Following in par with the human race becoming overweight due to poor eating habits, our pets are too. Owners think that giving their dogs regular treat is being nice, however it is being cruel if they are not able to burn off those extra calories.

Many vets are experiencing increasing numbers of overweight pets. If you are unable to walk your larger dogs twice a day for an hour each time, or a small dog once a day for one hour, then consider hiring a dog walker.

Dog walkers are great at caring for your pooch, and provides you with the peace of mind that you dog is staying fit and healthy getting daily required exercise into their routine.

Dog walking is essential for a dog’s life, they need the exercise, they need to be able to explore and build their own immune system up by exploring and being exposed to new environments. Take the opportunity to find new and interesting trails, some with water so your pooch can have a paddle too.

When setting off on a new trail, make sure you have a supply of drinking water, for yourself and your pet. Allow your dog to explore and sniff the new environment, meet other canines and enjoy their new active lifestyle.Photography of White and Grey Short Coated Dog Sitting on Green and Pink Leaf Covered Ground during Daytime

Another popular alternative is to join a dog walking group, packed with others alike. Keeping each other company and telling some great stories your funny dogs have been up to.

Remember your dog’s health is important and obesity could really affect the lifespan of your pooch, keeping them fit and active is an essential part of their lifestyle. Don’t forget a treat now and again is definitely acceptable once they have worked for it.

Posted in Pet Advice