A healthy dog’s diet

Posted on September 12, 2016 at 11:58 am

We’re often asked whether certain foods are good or bad for dogs and we thought it was about time we put a blog post together outlining exactly what a dog needs to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Firstly protein is really important, and thankfully most manufacturers use proteins in their dog food but you’ll want to find a food that contains mostly animal protein rather than vegetable because they find it harder to digest. Healthy fats will also do them good, it can keep your dog’s coat healthy and provide energy. That said, we would not recommend that you ever buy fat-free dog foods, even if you need to slim your dog down. Why? Because adult dogs need a minimum of 5% fat in their diet. Last but not least, water is extremely important. Dry food and exercise will make your dog thirsty so be sure to keep your dog’s water bowl topped up at all times.

Posted in Pet Supplies