Yearly Archives: 2021

How do pet wholesalers drive the performance of retailers?

Posted on December 30, 2021 at 4:20 pm

Only recently has the performance of pet supply retailers been studied, and one thing that becomes increasingly clear is that research on this topic is scarce. One notable exception was a 1994 study that came up with findings regarding factors affecting retail sales in pet stores. It was found that the presence and performance of competitors and customer motivation were positively related to sales at a pet store while the number of competitor outlets within a 3-mile radius negatively affected sales revenue. These findings suggest that there are many factors influencing retail performance; it’s something we will get back to later. However, another question remains: how can you drive your own business performance and why are innovative wholesalers always going to help?

Well, firstly, you need high-quality products that meet your customers’ needs. Whether you specialize in a particular area of pet products or accessories or focus on a type of pet like dogs, cats, reptiles, or fish, you need the best quality products to meet your customers’ needs. Wholesalers need to be forward-thinking to ensure the new product lineups they bring to the table are a good fit for UK retailers. But they also need to understand the current market and what it wants, as well as where that market is going.

This means working closely with pet suppliers to find out everything you can about them and their products: what’s new, what’s hot right now, where is your product line headed next? This relationship will help ensure that your business stays on top of emerging trends and ahead of the competition! It helps create a win-win situation for both parties involved. Sales and marketing director at Pet Supermarket UK, Sarah McCann commented:

“Working with pet suppliers to explore new concepts and continuous improvement across our product range is a crucial part of what we do.”

This doesn’t just allow the wholesaler access to new products that could potentially boost sales; it also means an inside track on how retailers can really wow their customers next time they walk in. What’s more, regular meetings and updates ensure the wholesaler knows about everything going on in order to come up with even better ideas moving forward! This is especially important when it comes to seasonal trends, which will always affect buying habits. In these instances, your wholesale partner becomes your best resource for upcoming insights into what your customers want from you and your brands.

Pet wholesalers will always help drive retail growth, however, there’s so much a pet retailer can do to maximize performance and ensure they remain at the top of their customer’s minds for pet goods. By staying abreast of the latest trends and buying accordingly, you will ensure that your business stays on top. You also need to be sure that you are paying attention to your specific market and how they want their shopping experience delivered. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking everyone wants a big-box store; some people like small boutique style shops while some would rather head online and buy from home and avoid the time and effort of going out.

Posted in Pet Supplies

Are Automatic Feeders Worth The Money

Posted on December 13, 2021 at 10:28 am

For a large variety of pets, you are able to purchase automatic feeders, but these can be quite pricey. So, today we want to share with you if these are truly worth the money.

As long as you purchase a high-quality automatic feeder, it will be worth every penny that you spend. Sometimes automatic feeders can have issues with letting out too much food and running out, or not letting out enough when they are hungry making the pet frustrated.

Automatic feeders are an amazing purchase as long as you do not go for cheap. These can be amazing if you are going for a short holiday or day trips where your pet will be left at home and need feeding multiple times in the day. They can help to ease the worries of your pet needing to be fed and help you to be less reliant on other family members or neighbours.

Posted in Pet Supplies

Cat Food – What You Need To Know

Posted on October 18, 2021 at 10:16 am

Unfortunately over the past couple of months, we have noticed cats of varying ages coming extremely poorly and sadly passing away. The only thing that these poor cats have in common is the food they are eating. This being Felix cat food.

Unfortunately, the Felix brand decided to change their recipe and will not take responsibility for this. They have added something called Purina into their cat food, and this is what we believe is making cats across the United Kingdom increasingly poorly. This is the only change that these cats have all had in common and it is a shame as this brand has been amazing but it should now be avoided at all costs.

If you gain anything from this article… go and check your cat food. Check for the ingredient Purina. This could be seriously damaging your cats and by the time you notice it will be too late and there is nothing you can do.

Some of the side effects you may notice in your cat when they are eating this food is they seem to become depressed. They are no longer wanting to eat their food. They may even have diarrhoea that is not good for them.

We would suggest that you change your cat food immediately to keep them safe and healthy. Yes, all cats will not become affected by this, but to be on the safe side you should avoid this brand until further notice. Do some extra research and you will find how bad this truly is. Kittens and older cats are being affected, no one is left out.

Keep your cat safe. Keep them healthy by avoiding this cat food brand at all costs. Do what you can for your cat, even if it means investing in a slightly more pricey brand of food,

Posted in Cats

Will A Horse Make A Good Pet?

Posted on September 13, 2021 at 1:24 pm

On our blog we have spoken a lot about the smaller animals that you can keep as pets, but what about the much larger options? For instance, horses! So, the question is, will a horse make a good pet!

Unlike other animals, a pet horse will not be able to live with you unless you have a substantial amount of land and a stable for the horse to live in. This is why it is not as common for people to have horses as pets as the land is just not available. But, some people will still have horses as pets, as it is possible for them to live in other farm stables, but this does come with extra costs and responsibilities for you.

Like other animals, horses need to be cleaned, fed and walked to be kept happy. You will need to visit your horse at least weekly, if not daily to feed them, give them water, clean out they’re stable and take them for a ride. This is the main amount of care that you will need to give them. Sometimes, stables will offer to do these for you for an extra cost, but it should be your responsibility to do this yourself.

With horses, they will also need to see a horse vet every so often. They can incure injuries and health problems, especially when they are not being cared for daily.

So, yes horses do make a good pet, they are very loving animals and are completely different to any others that we have looked at before. But you will need to care for them, and they do take a lot of responsibility to look after when not placed on your own land.

Posted in Pet Advice

Creating Your Own Dog-friendly Treats

Posted on August 23, 2021 at 2:48 pm

We all love a treat, some of us even enjoy baking our own treats. But what about spoiling our dogs with a specially made treat? Sometimes pet shop treats can be disappointing, so why not make your own! Here are some things you can consider as a treat for your family loved dog!

Please note – all of these should be given to your dog in consideration as may cause obesity and other health problems.

Doggie Cake
One food item that you can make for your dog is a dog-friendly cake! These are the perfect little treat for a dog on their birthday or any other special occasion. You should complete lots of research to ensure you are making a cake with all ingredients that are safe for dogs! One of the best ways to decorate this cake is using peanut butter and dog biscuits.

We all know that dogs love chicken, with most of their dry and wet dog food being chicken flavoured. Well, as a small treat you can give them bitesize pieces of actual chicken to enjoy.

Another food item that you can give to dogs is cheese. This should be given in consideration as can cause health problems. But dogs love cheese, it will be a great way to encourage them to do more tricks and learn new skills.

Fresh Fruit
Finally, fresh fruit is a great choice for a treat for dogs. Some fruits should not be eaten by dogs as they can be poisonous, for example, grapes. But other fruits like apples are an amazing healthy treat for dogs to enjoy.

So, take some time and make your dog some other treats. Don’t always go for the store brought treats. Even some foods around your home will be perfect to treat your dog with.

Posted in Dogs, Pet Advice

Why Are Guinea Pigs A Good Pet For Children?

Posted on July 9, 2021 at 8:48 am

You will always hear and read a lot about how Guinea Pigs are the best pet for children. But what they fail to mention are the reasons why this is the case. So today, we are going to share with you why Guinea Pigs are a good pet for young children.

Firstly Guinea Pigs are extremely timid. They do not make a lot of noise so and highly unlikely to scare young children. They love to have cuddles, this means they can help to build the children’s confidence up.

Guinea Pigs do not require that much care, meaning young children can be responsible for caring for them. This includes feeding them daily, given them fresh water and bedding. As well as participating in the weekly clean out and wash of their cages.

Children will love these small little animals, that is just truly the perfect pet for any budding animal lover.

Posted in Pet Advice

Becoming A Responsible Dog Owner

Posted on June 10, 2021 at 2:31 pm

Owning a dog changes your day to day life in ways that you would never have considered. That is why today, we are going to share with you some of our tips for becoming a responsible dog owner. In our eyes, there aren’t good and bad owners, just responsible and irresponsible, if you want the best for your dog, be responsible.

How To Become A Responsible Dog Owner

1- Look At Your Lifestyle
Before you even choose a breed and purchase a dog, you need to look at your own current lifestyle. Consider what changes you are happy to make to your own lifestyle due to owning a dog. Look at what hobbies you have, what your working hours are etc. Chose a dog breed that will fit around these commitments is key for you to be responsible.

2- Choosing A Breed
When choosing a breed, you need to ensure you have conducted in-depth research. You want to know as much about the breed as possible. Knowing if they will suit your lifestyle. Knowing how much energy they have, how many walks they’ll need. What their living costs are like if they’re affordable for you. All of these need to be considered when choosing a breed of dog for your family. It’s with no surprise some breeds will be more suitable than others.

3- Train Your Dog
Once you have brought your dog home, one of the best ways to be a responsible owner is by offering your dog the training they need. Teaching them simple commands like sit, returning to their name. These will all help you when looking after your pet.

4- Regular Check-Ups
This is one area a lot of dog owners fall short in. Schedule your dog regular checkups to be a responsible owner. These may cost you a small fee, but it is better to know that your dog is healthy than not. These checkups will help vets to spot any issues before they become serious.

Posted in Dogs

Organic Dog Food – Why Is This A Better Choice?

Posted on May 14, 2021 at 1:39 pm

When you head out to the pet store to buy pet food you’ll likely see two different kinds, normal dog food and organic dog food. Now, we all would normally go for normal dog food as it is slightly cheaper. But today we are going to tell you why you should be paying more for organic dog food in pet stores near me.

Feeding your dog organic dog food offers them more benefits than feeding them normal dog food. Organic dog food is about more than just filling your dog up to cure their hunger. It is about offering them health benefits through the processed food they are eating.

Some of the main health benefits that feeding your dog organic food can offer include the opportunity for them to live a longer life, reducing digestive disorders, keeping their skin and coat healthy, and helping to prevent the development of serious diseases like cancer. So, don’t limit your dogs’ healthy life over a few extra pennies in your pocket.

Posted in Dogs

Treats For Guinea Pigs

Posted on April 16, 2021 at 12:20 pm

Guinea pigs are a very popular small pet. With them being the perfect pet for young children due to how affectionate and cuddly they are. But, like with every pet, we all want to give our guinea pigs yummy treats. So, what are some of the best treats to give to guinea pigs?

What To Remember
When purchasing treats for any animal it is important to remember that a treat is something that they do not normally eat. So while weeds and plants for the garden may seem like a treat, if this is part of their diet you may want to consider some other goodies for them.

Another aspect you need to remember is the size of your guinea pig. While you can give larger animals large quantities of treats, guinea pigs only need a small amount for their tummies to keep them happy.

What Are Some Of The Best Treats For Guinea Pigs?
Now, we are going to share with you a shortlist of some of the best treats that you can give to your guinea pigs.

Vegetable Treats
Vegetables are one of the best options of treats for guinea pigs. They can offer them some amazing benefits for their health and well being. Some of the best vegetables to give as treats to guinea pigs include:
– Beetroot
– Carrot
– Pepper
– Tomato
– Kale

Fruit Treats
While fruit treats do offer some amazing health benefits, in large quantities they can cause some issues. It is important that you only give these into consideration as a small treat. Some of the best fruits that you can offer your guinea pigs as a treat include:
– Grapes
– Apple
– Pear

When giving guinea pig treats it is important to consider the amount that you are giving them. You do not want to overfeed and over face them. Small amounts of treats every so often are fine, as it keeps the treats feeling to them as a treat.

Posted in Pet Advice

Rabbits – Where Do They Go At Easter?

Posted on February 17, 2021 at 12:26 pm

Now Pancake day is over, the next big holiday is Easter! You may have noticed that in the weeks leading up to Easter, pet shops stop selling Rabbits. Today, we are going to share with you where they go and why they stop selling them!

Why Do Pet Shops Stop Selling Rabbits At Easter?
In simple, during the weeks leading up to Easter pet shops stop selling rabbits for one main reason… The Easter Bunny. Due to the legend of the Easter Bunny coming and leaving you Easter eggs or an egg hunt, pet shops have taken it upon themselves to stop the sale of rabbits around this time. The number of sales coming up to Easter increased. But sadly, the amount of returned rabbits after Easter also increased. People purchasing rabbits for the Easter bunny trick did not do their research. They did not understand the amount of care that goes into having a rabbit as a pet. Or they went in with the mindest of returning once Easter was over. As this is not a good life for the rabbits, pet shops decided to stop selling rabbits over this period. Some will still have them on display, but others take them away completely to ensure people are not tempted to share that they are the Easter bunny.

Where Do The Rabbits Go?
If you are heading to a pet shop at Easter that does not even display their rabbits during this time, you will probably be wondering where they go? You don’t need to worry as they are still being cared for. Some rabbits will go to their backstock rooms until easter is over, where they will be fed and cleaned. Some may even be taken home with workers to ensure they are not seen or purchased.

Posted in Pets News

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