Yearly Archives: 2014
The Basics of Shopping for Your Pet
Posted on December 22, 2014 at 10:28 am
Having a pet is a very fun way of spending your time and taking care of another living thing. Although it really is rewarding and amusing, having a pet means having huge responsibilities as well. As a pet owner, you need to know how to find the best pet shop supplies to ensure that your beloved companion is taken care of.
Tips for Shopping for Your Pet
Most people will say that having a pet is like having a baby. They need constant attention and care, and you need to provide everything that they need. Here are some tips to help you find the best supplies for your pet:1. Find the best pet shop stores.
Shopping is made challenging due to the number of choices that we all have. The same principle applies to shopping for your pet. The first step of finding the best pet shop supplies is to browse the Internet. If you are in a busy city like London, it is a bit easier to find one which will cater to your pet’s needs. A search through the Internet is not the end of it; make sure to drop by each pet shop supply store to see if it is clean, well-maintained, and has a friendly attendant to help you. (more…)
Posted in Pet Supplies
Beautiful Features for your Fish Tank
Posted on October 28, 2014 at 7:24 pm
A fish tank doesn’t have to be a boring bowl; if you have exotic fish then you may want to create an exotic atmosphere. You can include eye-catching features to make your tank stand out as a feature of your home.
For a bright atmosphere, you can incorporate coral reef (not real obviously), bright coloured pebbles, multicoloured lights and feature ornaments. You may want to choose a theme, perhaps a shipwrecked sea and there are many ornaments that can be added to create this environment, and there are no limits to the underwater world you can create for your fish.
Fish tanks can be made in small and very large sizes, and there are plenty of beautiful features that can make it stand out a bit more, so make your fish’s home a livelier place with desirable lighting and features.
Posted in Pet Supplies
The Benefits Of A Bone For Your Dog
Posted on September 18, 2014 at 11:44 am
It’s well-known that every dog should have a bone, but the benefits of why they should have one, seems to be unknown to a lot of dog owners. Below we list the three main benefits a bone gives your dog.
Stops Chew Urges
Giving your dog a bone to chew will stop it from chewing anything and everything in your house! So no more weak table legs. If your puppy is teething, then a chew bone/toy will help stimulate the growth of its teeth.
Helps With Boredom
You probably would’ve realised already, but dogs get bored very easily. A chew bone will keep your canine-friend entertained for hours.
Dental Benefits
The main reason we recommend a chew bone, is due to the dental benefits it brings. It helps scrape away plaque, control tartar and also helps condition the teeth.
Posted in Pet Supplies
How To Treat Dog Guarding Behavious
Posted on August 22, 2014 at 2:46 pm
Guarding is where a dog will possessively guard either food or toys, to the point where it is dangerous for anybody to approach them. You can see how this would be a desired behaviour for an animal’s survival in the wild, but also that it is less wanted with a domesticated animal.
Dog guarding is a common issue encountered by many pet owners. It is, however, important to remember that this isn’t necessarily your fault; guarding is both a learned and instinctual behaviour.
The easiest way of avoiding your dog learning this behaviour is through early training. You need to show them that losing the guarded item isn’t the worst thing in the world, and that it often leads to something better. If it is an existing problem with an adult dog, you do the same thing, only much more cautiously. Start off with something they don’t care that much about, and try to entice them away with treats. Move progressively closer until you can take the toy / food away from them before you give them the treat.
Posted in Pet Advice
Pet Marketing – 4 Great Tips for Beginners
Posted on August 17, 2014 at 9:27 am
1. A Pet Marketer Should Visualize the Essentials of the Niche Market
Effective pet marketing does not simply begin and end with the primary details of capital, marketing software, and an inventory of the pets. The pet marketer must develop a clear mental picture of the niche market in order to address the dominant preferences and trends. An awareness of the raw details of the target clientele and their preference should guide the organization of information on the online marketing site. In order to avoid a mismatch between the type of products and the specific needs of the customers, the marketer must run a careful search on other pet business sites that have credible information on the types of pets, descriptions, prices, and customer reviews. Such information helps the marketer to understand the nature of the market and the profile of competitors.
Posted in Pet Supplies
Pet dispensers/feeders
Posted on July 23, 2014 at 5:48 pm
Pet dispensers and pet feeders are nifty devices for the modern pet owner! If you have a few creative genes then you might even manage to build a simple version with the right bits of kit.
You can have a water dispenser, or a food dispenser, or both! Some pets like the sensation of drinking from their own personal waterfall!
Pet dispensers can be manual, these are more a storage device, but this is linked to your pets bowl. Allowing you to give them a set amount of food depending on what you set the quantity to.
If you have multiple pets, or if you are not going to be around at feeding time, you can get yourself an electric feeder. These can be timer controlled or they will only open when the right pet approaches it. This works by them wearing a sensor on their collar which the feeder will recognise. Almost like a door with a card reader!!
Posted in Pet Supplies
Cat leashes
Posted on July 16, 2014 at 5:48 pm
Cats are usually outdoor creatures. They like to prowl and explore their territory, unfortunately, with more and more traffic on our roads, the worry can be for the safety of our friendly felines! A cat leash/harness is a fantastic way to let your cat explore the wilderness of her back garden! It’s something she will have to get used to, so be careful, initially this could be quite a scary even traumatic experience for your cat. If you can, start young, just like you do with training a dog on the lead, the earlier they start, the sooner they’ll be good on the leash!
The harness fits securely around their middle in-front and behind the front legs, some may have a collar. They come in different sizes and materials, so as your kitten grows she will still be able to go out on the leash! There are also lots of patterns and colours available for the fashion conscious!
Posted in Pet Supplies
Dog Walking in the City
Posted on May 26, 2014 at 6:25 pm
Many people have pets in large busy cities like London, Berlin and Paris, and you’ll often spot a dog on a tube, which proveS there are places to walk and no dog owner should deprive their dog of physical activity and fresh air.
Some pets spend a great deal of time indoors, except for when they head outside into a small garden for a number one or two. This shouldn’t be the case and if you own a dog in the city it is still your responsibility to make sure he or she is waked because it’s in a dog’s nature to explore. The fact that the streets are busy is no excuse for not walking your dog, and why should one dog get walked more often just because he lives in the countryside?
It’s not the animal’s choice to live in a city, in a town or in the country, so make sure your animal is getting enough exercise. London may be busy but it does have its quiet parts and there are numerous parks out there to choose from that are suitable for dog walking, and the same goes for many other built up cities.
Posted in Pet Supplies
Regular Checkups – A Must for Any Pet
Posted on May 11, 2014 at 1:53 pm
Taking your cat dog or bunny to the vets may seem like an expensive waste of time, but it’s important for their health. You may think that animals survive in the wild so they don’t need a vet, but think about how many times vets have tome to save an animal’s life, and they could just save yours.
Regular checkups can give you a good idea on the health of your pet, and without checkups you may potentially be ignoring illnesses or problems relating to your animal’s health. There are so many parasites out there and just because you’re unable to see problems or symptoms it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any.
Every anima owner should organise regular checkups. Vets can weigh your animal, give them vaccinations, test their heart beat, check their level of nutrients and offer physical examinations. Don’t wait until you’re animal is suffering, make sure he or she visits the vet every several months; you’ll then feel rest assured that your animal has good health.
Posted in Pet Advice
Training your Dog the Right Way
Posted on May 1, 2014 at 2:55 pm
Different dogs learn in different ways and it’s important to be able to train your dog effectively if you want to be a happy owner later down the line. The first time your puppy eats a shoe it can be deemed ‘cute’, but too much generosity to a dog can mean that it behaves poorly and it can actually cause real issues and complications later down the line.
There are workshops and sessions that you can attend if you need help training your dog, but quite often it is common sense. You have to know when to be firm with your dog and when to be rewarding. If you’re dog is starting to act out of control, then it’s important to discipline them correctly to show them that you’re in control and not them.
You should treat your dog when he or she behaves well, but it’s important to make sure you don’t give them too much control. Dogs graft in the wild, they’re active and they’re used to doing what they want. It’s their instinct, however, that has to change in a house, and if they leave under your roof make sure they live under your rules.
Posted in Pet Advice, Pet Supplies